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Mildenhall & District Swimming Club is a charity registered in England & Wales (1154407) |
Mildenhall and District Swimming Club
Sharks follow the National Plan for Teaching Swimming, below are details of each class together with the standard a swimmer has to reach in order to move on to the next class and a timetable of classes. To quickly jump to a specific section select the links below.
Minnow - Catfish - Elfin - Hammerhead - Marlin - Great White - Tiger - Transition Squad - Junior Squad - Senior Squad - Timetable
Stage 1 Minnow
This class does widths in the shallow end between 17:30 and 18:00.
- Enter the water safely (There may be use of an assistant).
- Move forwards for a distance of 5 metres.
- Move backwards for a distance of 5 metres.
- Move sidewards for a distance of 5 metres.
- Scoop the water and wash face.
- Be at ease with water showered from overhead (over head / face).
- Move into a stretched floating position using aids, equipment or support.
- Regain an upright position from on the back, with support.
- Regain an upright position from on the front, with support.
- Push & glide in a horizontal position to or from a wall.
- Take part in a teacher led partner orientated game.
- Demonstrate an understanding of pool rules.
- Exit water safely.
Stage 2 - Catfish
This class does widths in the middle section between 17:30 and 18:00.
- Jump in from poolside safely (Consider Safety requirements regarding depth).
- Blow bubbles a minimum of 3 times rhythmically with nose and mouth submerged.
- Regain upright position from the back without support.
- Regain an upright position from the front without support.
- Push from wall & glide on the back.
- Push from wall & glide on the front.
- Travel on the back for 5 metres, aids or equipment may be used.
- Travel on the front for 5 metres, aids or equipment may be used.
- Perform a rotation from the front to the back to gain an upright position.
- Perform a rotation from the back to the front to gain an upright position.
Stage 3 - Elfin
This class does widths in the deep end between 17:30 and 18:00.
- Jump in from poolside and submerge (min depth. 0.9) (Consider Safety requirements regarding depth, and including bending knees on landing ).
- Sink, push away from wall on side and maintain a streamlined position.
- Push and glide on the front with arms extended and log roll onto the back.
- Push and glide on the back with arms extended and log roll onto the front.
- Travel on the front, tuck to rotate around the horizontal axis to return on the back.
- Fully submerge to pick up an object (If in deep water use a suspended object).
- Answer correctly 3 questions on the Water Safety Code (The Responses to the Water Safety Code are to include: "Don’t go alone". "Go with a friend" and "Tell someone where you are going").
- Travel 10 meters on the back.
- Travel 10 meters on the front.
Stage 4 - Hammerhead
This class does lengths between 18:00 and 19:00.
- Demonstrate an understanding of buoyancy (Use of different equipment can be used to explain sinking and floating (this can be a wet or dry activity) ).
- Perform a tuck float for 5 seconds (Mushroom float).
- Perform a sequence of changing shapes (minimum of 3) whilst floating at the surface.
- Push and glide from the wall to the pool floor (Consider Safety requirements regarding depth).
- Kick 10 metres Backstroke (one item of equipment can be used to assist buoyancy).
- Kick 10 metres Front crawl (one item of equipment can be used to assist buoyancy).
- Kick 10 metres Butterfly on the front or on the back (one item of equipment can be used to assist buoyancy).
- Kick 10 metres Breaststroke on the back (equipment can be used to assist buoyancy).
- Kick 10 metres Breaststroke on the front (equipment can be used to assist buoyancy).
- Perform on the back a head first sculling action for 5 metres in a horizontal position.
- Travel on back and roll in one continuous movement onto front.
- Travel on front and roll in one continuous movement onto back.
- Swim 10 metres, choice of stroke is optional.
Stage 5 - Marlin
This class does lengths between 18:00 and 19:00.
- Perform a horizontal stationary scull on the back.
- Perform a feet first sculling action for 5 metres whilst horizontal on the back.
- Perform a sculling sequence with a partner for 30-45 seconds to include a rotation.
- Tread water for 30 seconds (Swimmer can use different methods to achieve the skill including egg beater kick, which must be performed out of their standing depth).
- Perform 3 different shaped jumps into deep water (Consider Health & Safety requirements regarding depth for handstands and somersaults).
- Swim 10 metres Backstroke.
- Swim 10 metres Front crawl face in the water.
- Swim 10 metres Breaststroke.
- Swim 10 metres Butterfly.
- Perform a handstand (If participants are in deep water, a vertical hang (feet above head) upside down will be deemed acceptable for assessment purposes) and hold for a minimum of 3 seconds (Consider Health & Safety requirements regarding depth for handstands and somersaults).
- Perform a forward somersault, tucked, in the water (Consider Health & Safety requirements regarding depth for handstands and somersaults).
- Demonstrate an action for getting help.
Stage 6 - Great White
This class does lengths between 18:00 and 19:00.
- Demonstrate an understanding of preparation for exercise.
- Sink, push off on side from the wall, glide, kick and rotate into Backstroke.
- Sink, push off on side from the wall, glide, kick and rotate into Front crawl.
- Swim 10 metres with clothes on (minimum requirement T-shirt & shorts).
- Swim Front crawl to include at least six rhythmical breaths.
- Swim Breaststroke to include at least six rhythmical breaths.
- Swim Butterfly to include at least three rhythmical breaths.
- Swim 25 metres, choice of stroke is optional.
- Perform a "shout & signal" rescue.
- Perform a surface dive.
- Exit the water without using steps.
Stage 7 - Tiger
This class does lengths between 19:00 and 20:00.
- Swim 50 metres Backstroke.
- Swim 50 metres Front crawl.
- Swim 50 metres Breaststroke.
- Swim 50 metres Butterfly.
- Perform a movement sequence of 1 minute duration, in a group of 3 or more, incorporating a number of the following skills:
- Sculling - head first, feet first.
- Rotation - forward / backwards somersault, log roll.
- Floating - star on the front / on the back, tuck float (mushroom float), create own.
- Eggbeater - moving, lifting one or both arms out of the water link skills with stokes and sculls.
- Perform a sitting dive (Consider Safety requirements regarding depth and ability for diving in).
- Swim 50 metres continuously using one stroke.
- Swim 200 metres using a minimum of 3 different strokes.
- Tread water using egg beater action for 30 seconds.
- Complete an obstacle course (using minimum of 4 objects) with feet off the bottom throughout (Consider Safety requirements regarding depth and ability for diving in).
Transition Squad
There is no set criteria to move into junior squad but swimmers are usually in transition for about 3 months, it depends on the progress of the individual.
Junior Squad
In order for a swimmer to move up into the Senior Squad the swimmer must achieve the following time for 200 metres Freestyle.
The swimmer must also be able to swim 15 x 100 metres in 1 minute 50 seconds which means the swimmer must be able to swim 100 meters within the time of 1 minute 50 seconds and be able to achieve this on 15 repeats in a continuous set.
and any one of the following times on a different stroke.
Boys |
200m Backstroke |
3.15 |
Girls |
200m Backstroke |
3.20 |
Boys |
200m Breaststroke |
3.40 |
Girls |
200m Breaststroke |
3.45 |
Boys |
200m Butterfly |
3.25 |
Girls |
200m Butterfly |
3.30 |
Testing is done on the last Friday of each month during junior squad training, or the times can be achieved in competition.
Senior Squad
The senior squad train six days a week see times below.
Timetable for Classes
Mondays - Squads |
6.00 - 7.30 pm |
Junior / Senior |
Lengths |
Tuesdays - Squads |
5.00 - 6.30 pm |
Junior / Senior / Transition |
Lengths |
Wednesdays - Squads |
6.00 - 7.30 pm |
Junior / Senior |
Lengths |
Fridays - Minnow |
5.30 - 6.00 pm |
Stage 1 Non-Swimmers |
Widths Shallow End |
Fridays - Catfish |
5.30 - 6.00 pm |
Stage 2 Beginners |
Widths Middle |
Fridays - Elfin |
5.30 - 6.00 pm |
Stage 3 Swimmers |
Widths Deep End |
Fridays - Hammerhead |
6.00 - 7.00 pm |
Stage 4 Swimmers |
Lengths |
Fridays - Marlin |
6.00 - 7.00 pm |
Stage 5 Swimmers |
Lengths |
Fridays - Great White Shark |
6.00 - 7.00 pm |
Stage 6 Swimmers |
Lengths |
Fridays - Tiger Shark |
7.00 - 8.00 pm |
Stage 7 Swimmers |
Lengths |
Fridays - Junior Squad |
7.00 - 8.00 pm |
Junior Squad / Transition |
Lengths |
Fridays - Seniors |
8.00 - 9.30 pm |
Senior Squad / Masters |
Lengths |
Sunday - Transition Squad |
4.30 - 5.30 pm |
Transition Squad |
Lengths |
Sunday - Junior Squad |
4.30 - 6.00 pm |
Junior Squad |
Lengths |
Sunday - Seniors |
4.30 - 6.00 pm |
Senior Squad |
Lengths |
Sunday - Masters |
4.30 - 6.00 pm |
Masters Squad |
Lengths |